Christmas To Do List
Word Scramble

chocolate wrapped in foil to look like Santa Claus

Summary: Christmas To Do List Word Scramble is a printable game where you unscramble the letters to find out things on a typical Christmas To Do list.

Ages: From 12 and above

Recommended Number of Players: Unlimited

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Print out one Christmas To Do List Game Sheet per player.
pencil/pen per player

Set Up:
No prior set up required

How to Play:
Give each player a Christmas To Do List game sheet and pen. Set a timer for 10 minutes or less, depending on the age of your players. Each line has a word or two to unscrambl that lists something that might be on a typical To Do list during the holiday season. Unscrambe the letters to find the word(s). Each letter is only used once.

The player with the most correct answers wins the game.

Comments, Variations and Stories

Do you have a great story about playing a game listed on this site? Are there variations of the game you would like to share? Tell us!

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Best Advice from Dana Palmer

Picture of Dana Palmer, Owner of Perfect Party Games

Many people come to this site looking for a couple specific games. When they find them, great, the job is done. But there is one thing I want ALL my guests to know regardless of how many or how few pages they read. Therefore, if you see this box again on a few more pages, skip it and move on to finding more games for your event.

But for those reading this for the first time, here is the best advice I can pass on from my many years of experience planning and executing large and small events. Read on…

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” These are great words from A.A. Milne, the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh. I couldn’t agree more. And a solid foundation of organizing and planning is needed for most events. But I am here to tell you even with the BEST organization, no event is going to proceed EXACTLY as planned. You may even have a Plan B, C or D as a back-up. That’s fabulous! But trust me on this one; something will happen that you had no way of anticipating. So what now? Here is the trick. Pay close attention to this because it is the single most important piece of wisdom I can share with my readers.

Are you ready?

Learn to mentally let go of your perfect plans
the minute the party, event, game
or special occasion starts.

That’s it. I could write an entire page on how to “be in the moment” and “have fun at your own party.” But neither of those will happen if you don’t have the mindset that it’s alright to have things turn out differently than you imagined. The good news is that usually what you planned in your head that didn’t come through was never even missed by most.

So if you are going along, playing a game, or any other group activity, and it leads you down a road you didn’t foresee… Enjoy the ride.

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What Others
are Saying

We only played the Christmas ABC game tonight, but it was fun and funny! I have 3 more games and quizzes that I will take to my parents' house on Saturday. Thanks again!!
Jill K. from California, USA

"I thought I knew a lot of party games, but whenever I go on Perfect Party Games, I learn another one!"
Mandolin P. from Washington, USA