Cranberry Stringing

Summary: An activity to keep the kids busy while you prepare the Thanksgiving or Christmas meal.

Ages: From 4 to 14

Recommended Number of Players:

1 or more pounds of fresh cranberries
One needle threaded with 18 inches of strong thread per player

Set Up:
Have the needles threaded and the cranberries in the middle of the table

How to Play:
Everyone sits around a bowl of cranberries. On the signal, the players start stringing the cranberries onto their threads.

The first to fill the thread is the winner.

For an older crowd, this variation is more difficult. Have the players alternate threading cranberries with popcorn. The winner must have the pattern perfect.

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We only played the Christmas ABC game tonight, but it was fun and funny! I have 3 more games and quizzes that I will take to my parents' house on Saturday. Thanks again!!
Jill K. from California, USA

"I thought I knew a lot of party games, but whenever I go on Perfect Party Games, I learn another one!"
Mandolin P. from Washington, USA