Weird USA Board Game

Board Game Stats

Players: 2 to 6
Ages: 8+

Weird USA Board Game

Weird USA Board Game

Have You Ever Wondered Where the Weirdos Gather? Welcome to Weird U.S., where colorful characters like the Melon Head, Skunk Ape, La Llorona, Bunnyman, Frogboy and the Killer Clown journey to not so far off places like Midgetville, Crybaby Bridge, Danvers State Hospital and the Land of 2093 Milk Jugs in their attempts to collect travelers and be the last Weirdo standing! Based on the stories from Weird U.S. by Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman. Game also includes nine weird sound affects!

Contents: 1 game board with nine weird sound effects, 8 destination site markers, 1 speaker base (requires 2 AA batteries, not included), 1 Wendy the half-girl spinner, 6 weirdos, 1 Mark & Mark figure with camera flash (requires 1 CR2032 battery, included), 18 photographs, 40 action cards, 53 destination cards, 6 battle dice, 1 bloody outcome die, 60 traveler tokens, 1 devil referee and instructions.

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We only played the Christmas ABC game tonight, but it was fun and funny! I have 3 more games and quizzes that I will take to my parents' house on Saturday. Thanks again!!

Jill K. from California, USA

"I thought I knew a lot of party games, but whenever I go on Perfect Party Games, I learn another one!"

Mandolin P. from Washington, USA